Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Training session

Warm-up: 5-minute row (Damper #7, 70+ cal)

Alternating sets, 2 rounds in each segment.

- Flat Dumbbell Press with Bicep Curls, pair of 20# DBs: 8, 8
- Seated Cable Row: 80# x 10, 90# x 8

2. (Just one set of each of these)
- Walking Lunge with Front Raise: 25# plate
- (Return) Walking lunch with tricep row, pair of 25# plates?
- Lying Cable Bicep Curl with Crunch: 30# x 10

- Pull Ups: -40# x 3 + -85# x 10; -55# x 5 + -85# x 10
- Dips: -40# x 8,8

- 3-Part Decline Crunches, 5#: (4, 8, 8), (0, 20, 20)
- Deadlift/Upright Row/Press: 40# x 10, 50# x 8

- Renegade Pushups w/ 22.5# DBs: 10, 8
- Dumbbell Snatch (Where you bring the dumbbells right above your shoulder and then you do a squat immediately. Come up and raise the dumbbells all the way up with in foot in the front and one in the back): 15 x 10

- Front Barbell Squat (Have a narrow grip with your palms facing towards you. Your hands should not touch your chest, but rather 2-3 inches away from it to keep the biceps in constant tension. Holding this place, perform the prescribed amount of squats): 50# x 15

Like I said... I was feeling pretty flat. It was a tough workout.


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