Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Starting Strength WO #2

Warm-up: 5-minute row, damper #7, 1181 m

45# x 10
75# x 5
95# x 3
125# x 2
145# x 2 (crash and burn on 3)
135# x 5, 5, 5

35# x 10
45# x 5
55# x 2
65# x 3, 2
60# x 3, 3, 3

Power Clean
45# x 10
55# x 5
65# x 3
75# x 2
85# x 5, 5, 5

- Squats felt alright - keep working on 145#.
- Presses felt pretty good - happy that I got 65#!
- Cleans felt better than last time. The bar doesn't feel all that heavy, but I'm not good at catching the bar. Keep practicing...
- I wore my hair in two braids today, which was nice for the back squats - I didn't have to keep moving my hair out of the way. And I think the girly-ness of it was a nice contrast to my big bad black eye.


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