Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Warm-up: Bike to the UC Davis track, discover that it's closed, bike home to the apartment treadmill. Rats!

4 x 400m sprint, with 2 minutes of rest in between each one
1:32 (10 mph)
1:30 (10.5 mph)
1:28 (11 mph)
1:26 (11.5 mph)

These felt a lot easier than I expected. I wonder what my times would have been if I had been doing them on a track though... I think the treadmill makes this easier.

PS - Thanks to Yoshi Dragon for reminding me of this workout. I can't believe you did it on a 100m track - those must have been some tight curves.

I didn't sleep well last night, I think because my back was aching. I feel it the most when I bend over forwards and let my body hang straight down. The ache feels like it's coming from the inside of my body, much deeper than my back muscles, closer to my chest. Scott massaged it a little bit last night - it felt great on my back muscles, but didn't affect the ache. Very strange.


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