Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Ulti is launching!

Suddenly, ultimate is in full swing! I had a tournament last weekend and another one this weekend, and practices/tryouts for the Davis club team are starting this week. Here's what my schedule will look like for the next few weeks:

Monday: Ultimate practice at 6 pm
Tuesday: Ultimate pickup at 5:30 pm (not sure how long this will last)
Wednesday: Ultimate practice at 6 pm
Thursday: Track practice (with the team) at 6 pm
Friday: ??
Saturday: 30-45 minute run (with the team) at 10 am
Sunday: ??

Somewhere in there, I'd like to work in some rock climbing and some heavy lifting. Any suggestions? The Saturday run is somewhat flexible, if I can find people to do it with me on another day. I'm not sure yet what the Ultimate practices will consist of... I'll find out this Wednesday!


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