Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Running Fran

3 rounds (21-15-9)
400m run
65# thrusters
kipping (!) pull-ups

Time: 16:34

Notes: I haven't done much running or pull-upping lately. This was slow but good! The last two 400s were hard. Broken sets on the thrusters, but I'm glad I did 65 pounds instead of 55. I did 100% kipping pull-ups! My chin wasn't above the bar every time, but I finally got my whole body into it, and they felt much better than they have in the past - yay ! I did a bunch of mini-sets of 3-5 and developed a lovely blood blister for my efforts.

Worked on ring dips afterwards - some static holds at the top, and a few dips with my feet on a box. I was pretty tired out though.


At 7:37 AM, Blogger mie said...

Don't you love it when you see progress? Great job on your thrusters and pull ups!!! And keep working on your ring dips... they will come!


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