Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Handstands, pull-ups, chest press

500 m row, under 2 minutes. Felt good.
CFWU: 15 squats, 15 sit-ups, 15 back extensions, 10 dips (w/10# assist). 3 rounds.

Work out:
45 second handstand (feet on wall)
21 pull-ups (jumping)
45 s handstand
15 pull-ups
30 s handstand
9 pull-ups

Time: 10:33

Chest press
5 x 45#
5 x 65#
3 x 75#
2 x 75#
2 X 75# (fail on 2nd)

2 sets of side lunges, 10 each side


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