Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Frisbee practice

First practice/tryout with Night Train

Active stretches/plyos
Static stretching/go around the circle and say names

Cutting drill
Scrimmage - game to 3

Catching drill (hand bruising!)
Scrimmage - game to 3
15 star jumps between each point - did 4 sets

Cool-down jog

- My legs still feel like they're recovering from last weekend's tournament - my adductors felt tight tonight.
- I'm impressed with the captains. They're very organized and planned the practice well. They told us why we were doing each drill and what to focus on. Super helpful.
- I forgot how much I like frisbee practices! Hope I make the team...


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