Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sprint workout

Jog to track (~5 minutes)
Plyos & dynamic stretching

3 rounds of:
100m sprint, 10 second rest
100m, 20s rest
100m, 30s rest
100m, 40s rest
100m, 50s rest
100m, 60s rest

1 minute of push-ups (27)
1 minute plank

Walk home (barefoot!)

Notes: We did all the sprints barefoot on grass, running a down-and-back 50m shuttle. The sprints right after the 10- and 20-second rests were tough, but they felt pretty good otherwise. Scott got me to concentrate on my acceleration form - when I remember to lift my knees and lean forward, I do so much better!


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