Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Double unders, Cleans, push jerks @ CFD

Warm-up: 500m row & some plyos

5 minutes of double-unders (count: 106)
5 minutes of clean+push jerks (26)
3 min d-u (60)
3 min c+pj (18)
1 min d-u (30)
1 min c+pj (7)
Total score: 247

(Full cleans: from the ground, land in a full squat, 55#)

- I learned to keep my focus straight ahead or a little high on the double-unders. I messed up if I looked at the ground.
- The 55# cleans were just right - I kept them going at a pretty steady rate (5+/min), and kept pretty good form almost the whole way through.

Last night I dreamt I could do kipping pull-ups effortlessly!


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