Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Snatch MetCon

Modification of last Friday's CFD WOD.

5 rounds for time:
7 power snatches (55#)
7 snatch balances
7 OH Squats
Time: 18:43

Notes: OW. Tight, cramping neck muscles. I had to keep stopping to stretch out. Part of the problem may have been that I didn't pause at the bottom of the snatch balance to find my balance... so I ended up working extra hard to stabilize on the way up. The power snatches were easy and I only missed one or two OHS's. (Rx'ed was 7 rounds, 65#. Maybe next time...)

Finished off with some jump roping and some sit-ups.


At 5:08 PM, Blogger mie said...

i remember seeing this workout on the main site. i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE snatches and overhead squats. I thought about doing this one day, but I still don't know about taking o-lifts and making a metcon out of it. I'd need to have SOLID form before I'd want to do it.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Libby said...

Yeah, it was definitely NOT very met-con-y. I was going pretty slow. But there's a lot to say for doing these lifts fatigued - it forces you into proper form!


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