Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

February resolution

My January resolution was to be active at least five days a week. I did pretty well - the last week of the month was more like 4.5 days of activity. (On Sunday we walked a half mile to get pizza & frozen yogurt, and then walked home again.) I'm keeping this resolution in February and adding one:

More intermittent fasting. Specifically, fast at least 126 hours/week. That works out to 18 h/day but leaves room for a long fast one day and a relatively normal eating window another day.

I did 19h fasts M-W of this week, and I felt pretty good. I love the fact that I never get sleepy during the day - no need for a mid-afternoon nap or caffeination. Today was tough though - I had chocolate cake and ice cream last night (i.e. plenty of carbs & insulin), woke up hungrier than usual and did a CF workout at noon, which was about 14 hours into the fast. SUPER hungry all afternoon but made it to 18h.

Basically, I need to eat before CF and continue to avoid simple sugars. One of these days I'll work up to a 24h fast... not quite there yet though.


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