Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pilates, CFDC

Lunch: 30 minutes of pilates

Dinner: CFDC

20 squats, 5 dive bombers, 20 squats
Technique work on clean and jerks, using a pair of 20# dumbbells. Super helpful!
10 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off clean and jerks.
I was working with Adrienne again, as on Sunday, which was great. I got 112 altogether, but I wasn't feeling it too much in my legs, so I really should have moved up in weight. Still, I have a *much* better understanding of how to do a proper C&J than I did before, which I'm happy about.

4-round tabata intervals:
Burpees/Mountain climbers (alternating)

I was close to hyperventilating during the stretches at the end. Felt weird. By the time I got home, I don't think I had any blood sugar left. Uf da!

Also, the left side of my left calf feels strangely tight. Not sure why. Something to keep an eye on...


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