Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Michael. Running - ugh.

Warm-up: Three rou of CFWU:
15 squats
10 sit-ups*
15 back extensions
10 dips
10 floor pull-ups**

* Found the machine that holds your legs in place so you can start the sit-up with your shoulders lower than your hips. Not quite a GHD sit-up, but better... right?

** From this link. Not as good as jumping pull-ups... but okay? Thoughts?

And then I did the workout that I've been avoiding all week: "Michael" (WOD 070213). I just wanted to get through it, so I did it slowly.
- Round 1
800m run - 9 mph, 3:23
30 sit-ups
30 back extensions
- Round 2
800m run - 8.5 mph, 3:34
30 sit-ups
30 back extensions
- Round 3
800m run - 7.5 mph, 3:57
30 sit-ups
0 back extensions - I felt like my back was cramping.

Total time: 25+ minutes.

Not sure if I've lost strength or if I'm just lazy, but running feels like *such* a chore these days. I guess the only solution is to get myself to do more of it...


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