Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Fools Fest - 3 games

We lost our games 13-4, 13-4, 13-1. Ouch. That said, I felt like I played well and was able to keep going strong, especially since we didn't have many subs. Feels great to be playing women's (rather than coed) Ultimate again.

Gory detail: I jammed my toe pretty badly during the last half of the last game (Thank goodness it wasn't any earlier!), so that night in the hotel one of my friends burned a hole through my toenail with a red-hot needle. The blood drained out, and the swelling went down overnight. It's one of those procedures I've always heard about (mostly in the context of ballet), so it was exciting to have it performed on me! I lost both of my big toenails last year, so I expect it's only a matter of time before they come off this year. Glad I've got 'em for Paganello!


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