Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Cleans, snatches & more cleans @ CFD

Finally made it to the Olympic Lifting class at CFD!

Power cleans:
85# x 3
95# x 3, 3, 3
105# x 3 (PR!)
115# f, f

Hang power snatches:
65 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Met con:
AMRAP in 7 minutes, where round n=n power cleans + 3n push-ups
I got partway through round 7 (7 cleans + 9 push-ups).
I did the last rounds of push-ups on my knees. 29 total on toes, 34 on knees.

I bet I could have cleaned 115# if I'd had a little more focus, and a few less nerves. Still, 105# is 10# heavier than my old PR, and it didn't feel too bad at all!
Push-ups were definitely the killer on the met con... at least other strong people in the class were complaining about them too!


At 7:06 PM, Blogger mie said...

what did you think of the power snatches? have you done regular snatches before?

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Libby said...

These were tough - not so much weight-wise as balance-wise. So much coordination required when you put that bar over your head in a split second! Fun though. I've done snatches once or twice before this... once was at the classic CFHQ down in Santa Cruz!


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