Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Twice in one day!

Went to the noon class with Scott, but ended up just doing some warm-up back squats. Didn't do the games qualifier WOD, since I was feeling light-headed, and Clark was hungry, and I was planning to return for Ladies' Night.

Went to 7:30 Ladies' Night! Got Clark fed just in time to participate in the team workout. The 4 team members had to complete:
2000m row
75 deadlifts (135#)
100 push-ups
200 double-unders (I didn't do any of these)
Burpee tire-flips to the wall
400m run, with one team member being carried at all times (I just ran alongside. I can sort of run now!)

Lots of energy - fun times!


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