Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pilates, CrossFit DC, Swing Dancing

30 min Pilates class (midday)
Felt pretty good.

CrossFit DC
Warm-up: 2 rounds of 20 squats, 5 dive-bomber push-ups

Circuit: 2 rounds of 1:30 at each of 6 stations, with 0:30 rest between each station
Ball slam (25 kg)
OH squat (35#)
Jumping ring dips
Thrusters (2 15# dumbbells)

Uf. Da. I was tired almost as soon as I began, and felt sloppy most of the way through. Fell over on my first OH squat, scraped my nose on the ball slam, etc. I didn't feel nice and "tight" and powerful, just sort of worn out. I was certainly sore from Monday's workout, but I guess it took more out of me than I realized? A disappointing workout for me.

We worked on windmills at the end of class, which I think are very cool. Definitely felt it all around my shoulder and underneath my shoulder blade when I did them right. The small kettlebell made me nervous, but a 15# db felt just right.

Quick dinner on U Street, then up to the Jam Cellar for swing dancing! Super fun. But jeez the bike ride up 14th felt longer and steeper and slower than ever...


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