Pilates, CrossFit DC, Swing Dancing
30 min Pilates class (midday)
Felt pretty good.
CrossFit DC
Warm-up: 2 rounds of 20 squats, 5 dive-bomber push-ups
Circuit: 2 rounds of 1:30 at each of 6 stations, with 0:30 rest between each station
Ball slam (25 kg)
OH squat (35#)
Jumping ring dips
Thrusters (2 15# dumbbells)
Uf. Da. I was tired almost as soon as I began, and felt sloppy most of the way through. Fell over on my first OH squat, scraped my nose on the ball slam, etc. I didn't feel nice and "tight" and powerful, just sort of worn out. I was certainly sore from Monday's workout, but I guess it took more out of me than I realized? A disappointing workout for me.
We worked on windmills at the end of class, which I think are very cool. Definitely felt it all around my shoulder and underneath my shoulder blade when I did them right. The small kettlebell made me nervous, but a 15# db felt just right.
Quick dinner on U Street, then up to the Jam Cellar for swing dancing! Super fun. But jeez the bike ride up 14th felt longer and steeper and slower than ever...
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