Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cleans & jerks and KB swings, and then some rowing @CFD

Part 1
On the minute every minute for a max of 20 minutes:
2 Power Clean and Push Jerk @ 70% 1RM Clean and Jerk = 80#
6 KBS @ 20kg (rx'd was 24kg)

Achieved all 20 rounds!
Focused on strong, tight back on the jerks - success!
Focused on a nice, neat overhead pause on the KBSs - partial success - that weight was tough to control!

Rest 15-ish minutes before starting part 2 (rx'd was 60... who's got time for that?)

Part 2
Row 350m
25 burpees
Row 350m
Time: 5:10

My quads are *tired*


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