Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fight Gone Bad PR @CFD

I finally broke 300 on FGB! I did it out of order, and did 14# to the 8' target for wall balls, which made a big difference I think (previously, I've done 10' target).

Box step-ups (20")
Push press (55#)
Row (calories)
Wall ball (14#, 8')
Sumo DLHP (55#)

Round 1: 105
Round 2: 111
Round 3: 105

I took it easy on the row - got 10+ calories each round, instead of 15 as in previous attempts. My lower back didn't start tightening up until the last round, which was nice!

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