Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jerk 1rm, met con

Worked up to a 125# jerk, but it was messy (press-out). Need to work on getting my front foot farther forward on the split stance, and toe straight ahead instead of turned in.

Met con:
1 min double-unders
1 min pull-ups
45 seconds of each
30 seconds of each
Total reps: 131

Lame met con. I'm jealous of Scott's CFE WOD this morning
800m- 400m - 200m run
18 -15 - 12 Fight Gone Bad exercises
(Wall ball, sumo DLHP, box jump, push press, row)

Maybe I'll his this tomorrow...



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