Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Monday, July 31, 2006

WOD 060730 (Cleans & Dips)

21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds (65#)
Ring dips (Regular dips with 16# assistance)

I did this in around 13 minutes. My cleans were sloppy - maybe I should have used more weight to force myself to do them right. The dips were nice and hard. By the end, I felt myself really having to use my abdominals to complete the movement.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Run, Walk

Another run on the beach with Scott, but we covered the same ground in 35 minutes this time. We went for a (2-mile?) walk with his parents, and a 3.5-mile (?) walk on the beach in the afternoon.

I love the beach!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Walk, Run

Woke up at 5:45 and could see the sun rising over the beach, so I went for an hour-long walk. Probably around 3.5 miles. When I got home, Scott was up and interested in going for a run, so we went for a 38-minute 4-mile run on the beach. Gorgeous!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Travel/rest day

Got up to Maine around 2, and was on the beach by 4. Too cold for swimming though - just sitting and reading on the sand. :-)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

WOD 060726 (Run 10 k)

I ran 5.75 miles (9.25 k) in 57 minutes, which averages out to 9:55 minutes per mile, or 6.05 miles per minute. I'm a little disappointed by that pace; I thought I usually ran a 9:30 mile. I'll blame it on the humidity, the traffic lights, and the fact that I don't go on long runs anymore.

Apart from the inner thigh chafing (another reason to lose weight, haha), I felt pretty good. Hardly sore or stiff from Tuesday's track workout, which is good.

And now... off to a vacation weekend! Yay!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

WOD 060721 (Lunges & pull-ups)

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Walking lunge, carrying 25 pound dumbbells, 10 steps
Weighted pull-ups, with 25 pound dumbbell, 10 reps

I scaled it to 20# dumbbells, and I used 40# of assistance on the pullups. I completed 9 sets + 2 sets of lunges. (Someone else took over the gravitron machine, and it was faster to just do another set of lunges than find a place to do jumping pullups.)

I resisted the urge to add assistance to my pullups when they got hard. I did the first 5 or 6 with my palms facing away, and the remainder with my palms facing each other, which is quite a bit easier.

I should have used 25# dumbbells for the lunges. Twenty pounders didn't feel hard at all. Or I could have gone faster, which I started doing towards the end of the workout. When it says 10 steps, I assumed it meant 10 steps total, not 10 steps per leg.

I felt pretty good overall. Will definitely feel my pullup muscles tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sprint Workout

Warm-up ≈ 800m; stretch

200 m (0:38), rest (1:30)
400 m (1:21), rest (2:15)
200 m (0:39), rest (1:00)
200 m (0:41), rest (1:00)
100 m (0:19), rest (1:00)
100 m (0:19), rest (2:00)

5 rounds of 100 m sprint, 100 m jog, 100 m walk, 100 m jog.
Sprint and rest times listed.
0:19, 2:42
0:18, 2:45
0:18, 2:44
0:19, 2:47
0:18, 2:42

800m jog (5:24)

Total time, from the first 200 to the end of the cool-down 800 ≈ 33 minutes.

Supine-groin: 10 minutes per side

I'm happy with (and surprised by) the fact that I maintained my speed throughout the workout. It's pretty crazy that my 100m was just under 20s, my 200m was just under 40s, and my 400m was just over 80s. It's like I only sprint at one speed.

It seems weird that I wasn't faster at the beginning, when I was fresh. Maybe it just takes me that long to get warmed up?

I was really pushing myself on the last 100s and concentrating on my form. Strong, powerful, piston-like legs. Torso leaning forward. Elbows at 90°.

I felt awful afterwards. It wasn't so much a nauseous feeling as it was a starving hungry feeling, but it wasn't exactly that either. I don't know what was wrong with me. Now that I think about it, it started around 4 or 5 pm - I just figured I was hungry. It got better long enough for me to go to a good-bye party, but by the time I got home at 9:30, it was awful again. I didn't brush my teeth because I was afraid I'd throw up. Feeling much better this morning, thank goodness.

New Year's Resolutions (note to self)

This doesn't really relate to fitness or training, but it feels like the most appropriate place to post this.

My New Year's resolutions for 2006 are:
1. Lose weight - 130 would be nice, and 125 would be fantastic.
2. Take more pictures.
3. Learn to layout.
4. Set up my finances better. Open an investment account of some sort.

I'm not sure what reminded me of those things, but the year's already halfway over, and I've hardly made any progress! I've probably gained a few pounds and am still scared of laying out. I feel like photos and finances are things I should do, but I'm not as disappointed in myself for not getting to them.

The plan re. weight loss is to get back into the habit of recording what I eat.
I'm going to try this guy's strategy.

Monday, July 24, 2006

WOD 060722 (Row & bench press)

For time:
Row 500 meters (2:02)
65# Bench press, 30 reps
Row 1000 meters (4:09)
65# Bench press, 20 reps
Row 2000 meters (8:50)
65# Bench press, 15 reps

I took breaks during the rowing. After the initial 500m, I'd do 100m easy followed by 400m hard. It was nice to see my form get better - I started off with 30/31 spm, but got it down to 27/28 in the last 2 sets.

Time my workout, start to finish.
Take shorter water breaks between activities.
Increase bench press weight.

Friday, July 21, 2006

WOD 060720 (Snatch, OH squat, run)

(As prescribed)
Five rounds for time of:
75 pound Snatch, 3 reps
75 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
Run 400 meters

This workout felt very messy and disorganized.
- My snatches were awkward and clumsy, so I did thrusters instead for the last 3-4 rounds. I think I used the 55# barbell.
- I started off doing 65# OH squats on the smith machine (for the first 2 rounds), but I could feel myself using the machine for front-to-back stabilization, so I switched to doing them with a 55# barbell. They were wobbly, but it was neat to feel myself having to stabilize so much.
- I ran at 10 mph, and completed each quarter-mile in under 1:40. On a track, I think I'm closer to 1:30 (or 1:20 if I'm fresh). But the treadmill doesn't allow you to start from a full sprint. Next time, I should start tracking distance and time once I'm up to speed.