400m sandwich met con
400m run
15 - 10 - 5:
Kettlebell swings (20 kg)
400m run
Time: 9:56
Rx'd was 24 kg swings, and 25# dumbbell thrusters instead of push-ups. I'd like to do this one again.
My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!
400m run
Worked up to a 125# jerk, but it was messy (press-out). Need to work on getting my front foot farther forward on the split stance, and toe straight ahead instead of turned in.
Labels: Jerk
Back squat: 185, 205f, 205
Labels: Back squat, CFT, deadlift, Press
Took it easy today - definitely feeling Friday night's workout. Also, I was minding Clark.
Labels: Clean, double-unders, push-up
Part 1: Back squat 5 x 3.
Labels: 400m, Back squat, Clean, Jerk