Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Monday, February 26, 2007


Warm-up: 5 min run - 7.5 mph - 0.61 miles

WOD 070225: "Cindy"
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

I completed 11 rounds, much better than my last attempt (8 rounds). It's probably because I did pull-ups with the floor assistance modification - makes them easier to do quickly.

A little stretching on the foam roller afterwards. My calves and IT bands were *super* tight after the games on Saturday, so rolling them out that night was excruciating... in a good way. Today's rolling session felt much easier. I'm still tight in those places though, for some reason.

Heading up to Philly tomorrow, to accompany Scott for his doctor appointment and probable surgery. Not sure what kind of workouts I'll get in this week, but I'll pack my running shoes!

At the zoo: Can we borrow your elephant?

Shamik says the DC CrossFitters should take this guy on...

Man goes for squat thrust record

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Winter league tournament!
Played three and a half games. Felt much better after lunch (and caffeine) and was playing pretty well through the end of the last day. We had a bunch of subs though, so it wasn't a super strenuous day overall. Definitely tired by the time I got home.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


1.5 hours of blustery pickup. Brrr.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

800s, Pilates

Warm-up: 15 squats, a little stretching

WOD 070218:
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

3:03 = 10 mph the whole time! Go me!
3:30 = 10 mph for the first half, 7.5 (slow) for the second half.

Didn't do the third round, because it was time for pilates.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pilates, CFDC

Lunch: 30 minutes of pilates

Dinner: CFDC

20 squats, 5 dive bombers, 20 squats
Technique work on clean and jerks, using a pair of 20# dumbbells. Super helpful!
10 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off clean and jerks.
I was working with Adrienne again, as on Sunday, which was great. I got 112 altogether, but I wasn't feeling it too much in my legs, so I really should have moved up in weight. Still, I have a *much* better understanding of how to do a proper C&J than I did before, which I'm happy about.

4-round tabata intervals:
Burpees/Mountain climbers (alternating)

I was close to hyperventilating during the stretches at the end. Felt weird. By the time I got home, I don't think I had any blood sugar left. Uf da!

Also, the left side of my left calf feels strangely tight. Not sure why. Something to keep an eye on...

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Fantastic CFDC workout this morning.

We spent the first half working on technique - squats, OH squats, deadlifts and presses. Good stuff.

After that, we did five-minute intervals of as many rounds as possible of the following circuit:
5 db deadlifts
5 burpees
5 db thrusters
5 sit-ups

Two minute rest, then repeat three more times, for a total of four 5-minute intervals.

I used a pair of 25# dbs for the first set, and switched to 20# for the rest, for the sake of my thrusters. They were still plenty hard with the lighter weight!

It was my first time doing CF with women, and it was great. I was watching Adrienne - great motivation. I tend to shy away from competition (OK, I basically hate it), but today I just wanted to keep up with her. If she was going to complete 4 rounds in 5 minutes, then I was too. And I did - every time! It felt great.

We finished with three 30-second assisted L-sits and some much-needed stretching.

Special note - Scott came along for the first time today! Yay!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

More thoughts on training for tournaments.

Found this post on Vern Gambetta's blog - a question and response on training for tournament play. Wondering if anyone who reads this blog has thoughts on it?

My only thoughts:
1. I need to get to the track more often.

2. What's the difference between speed endurance and aerobics? How would you train to emphasize one over the other?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Michael. Running - ugh.

Warm-up: Three rou of CFWU:
15 squats
10 sit-ups*
15 back extensions
10 dips
10 floor pull-ups**

* Found the machine that holds your legs in place so you can start the sit-up with your shoulders lower than your hips. Not quite a GHD sit-up, but better... right?

** From this link. Not as good as jumping pull-ups... but okay? Thoughts?

And then I did the workout that I've been avoiding all week: "Michael" (WOD 070213). I just wanted to get through it, so I did it slowly.
- Round 1
800m run - 9 mph, 3:23
30 sit-ups
30 back extensions
- Round 2
800m run - 8.5 mph, 3:34
30 sit-ups
30 back extensions
- Round 3
800m run - 7.5 mph, 3:57
30 sit-ups
0 back extensions - I felt like my back was cramping.

Total time: 25+ minutes.

Not sure if I've lost strength or if I'm just lazy, but running feels like *such* a chore these days. I guess the only solution is to get myself to do more of it...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Handstands, pull-ups, chest press

500 m row, under 2 minutes. Felt good.
CFWU: 15 squats, 15 sit-ups, 15 back extensions, 10 dips (w/10# assist). 3 rounds.

Work out:
45 second handstand (feet on wall)
21 pull-ups (jumping)
45 s handstand
15 pull-ups
30 s handstand
9 pull-ups

Time: 10:33

Chest press
5 x 45#
5 x 65#
3 x 75#
2 x 75#
2 X 75# (fail on 2nd)

2 sets of side lunges, 10 each side

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Warm-up: 20 squats, 5 dive-bombers, twice.

Inspired by Andrew:
75 burpees (set of 10, with 30 seconds of rest in between)
Time: 9:20

Monday, February 12, 2007


Warm-up: 20 squats, 5 dive bombers, twice

WOD 070210 (based on Mie's modifications)

30 21in box jumps
30 pull ups (jumping)
30 30# dumbell swings
30 sit-ups
30 dumbell hang power cleans (10 x 30#, 20 x 25#)
800m run (SLOW! 3:28)
30 back extensions

Lots of interruptions - people talking to me, changing exercises. This felt like a putzy workout.

[EDIT]Scott and I ran home from work in 34 minutes. Slow-ish, but not bad.
Stretching + 20 push-ups when I got home.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rest Day

Unless 90 minutes of mopping the floor and scrubbing the kitchen counts!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


One game of Ultimate. Played 15-20 points. Not too tired afterwards.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Back Squats

Easy workout today.

Warm-up: 3 rounds of
15 squats
15 sit-ups
15 back extensions
10 pull-ups (5x16# assistance, 5 negative)
10 dips (10# assistance)

(Mie inspired my return to the CFWU.)

Back Squats
But the gym was crowded, so I had to use the (Smith?) machine... which feels like cheating. Not sure how heavy that bar is, so numbers here are just the plates that I added to the bar.

70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 5

A quick set of side lunges - 10 each side.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Rest Day

I feel worn out, in a good way. Mostly good.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Row, thrusters, pilates

Did just part of today's WOD:

1000m row - 3:57
50 x 45# thrusters - 7:07

30 minutes of Pilates - hard!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Pilates, CFDC

11:30 am - 30 minute Pilates class

7:15 - CFDC
Not a super hard workout. More focused on technique, which was great. My wrists are banged up from one arm kettlebell snatches, but I feel like I learned a lot. We also worked on overhead squats, and I think I have a clearer idea of what to do with my shoulders and elbows. Tom kindly assisted me with a 65# OHSq, which was exciting.

We ended with a big tabata, which we got to cycle through rather than "collating" them:
Squat jumps, push ups, shuffle lunges, mountain climbers
Four rounds. Nice finish to the workout.

Monday, February 05, 2007

800s, deadlifts

Warm-up: 20 squats, 5 dive-bombers, Samson stretch, 20 squats

WOD 070202

For time:
800m run (Time: 3:09)
21 Deadlifts (95# x 7, 115# x 14)
800m run (Time: 3:08)
15 Deadlifts (115# - wide feet, hands inside)
800m run (fail - got a side cramp after .35 miles, stopped after .41 mi. Time: 3:17)
9 Deadlifts (115# - normal stance, hands wider than usual)

Time: 23:10

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Restful walk in the woods

A rest day, so Scott and I took a nice hour-long hike through Rock Creek Park.

Friday, February 02, 2007


We lost 17-16, but it was a great game. Fun teams, not TOO cold out. Out of the 33 total points, I probably played two-thirds of them. I got to guard Asako (speedy!) a bunch, which was great. My legs were very tired on the bike ride home.


Warm-up: 2 rounds of: 20 squats + 5 dive-bomber push-ups

WOD 070201: "Fran"

Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster (I used 65#.)
Pull-ups (Jumping, sort of.)

Approximately 14 minutes.

The thrusters were hard and slow, but I'm glad I stuck with 65# instead of dropping to 55#.

Ultimate tomorrow!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Track workout!

I feel like a wimp for not working out yesterday. Here's to better motivation going forwards...

Warm-up: Jog to the track near my house.

4 rounds of:
40m sprint, touch the ground, sprint back
100m jog
10 burpees
100m run
100m jog
25 squats
100m sprint
100m jog
10 vertical jumps
2 minutes rest

My times, for each round:

8 minute run home

I took little (15 second) breaks between a lot of the exercises. Could have pushed myself harder that way. The sprint felt pretty good, even though it was so cold out. (Snow flurries!) My vertical jumps SUCK hard core.