Training Adventures

My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Deadlifts, bench presses, met con @CFD

Deadlifts: heavy triples
Warm-up: 95, 135, 155
Work sets: 185, 205, 215

Bench: sets of five
45, 65, 75, 75

Met con: 3 rounds of:
1 min box jumps (24"?), 1 min rest - 28, 34, 29
1 min wall balls (14#), 2 min rest - 24, 22, 25

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Front squats, pull-ups, sprints @CFD

Front squat triplets:
125, 125
145, 145

3 sets of max rep pull-ups (dead hang, overhand grip): 5, 4, 2

10 broad jumps, trying for max distance on each one

10 x 10-yard sprints, with Scott holding me back with a resistance band. Tough!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

NorCal Sectionals!

10:40 - WOD B
(800m run and as many 75 lb OH squats as possible in 6 minutes)
I finished the run in about 3:30 and got 14 squats - way better than the 6 squats I managed last Saturday! (The winner of the event got 47.)

2:40 WOD A
(10 min of 7 thrusters, 12 KB swings, 7 ctb pull-ups)
I got 3 rounds + 7 +12 + 4 - had a hard time getting my chest to the bar on the last set up pull-ups and had about half my reps discounted. Alas! (Three women tied for first in that event with 6 rounds + 2 thrusters.)

I came in 72 out of 125 = 57th percentile.
I feel pretty good - I think I put in my best effort, and I'm definitely inspired by the women who finished above me. It would have been nice to compete on Sunday too - partly because it's neat to workout with everyone, and partly because I paid $100 to go - but I didn't make the cut. Next year, right?

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Stebbins Cold Canyon Hike

Lovely 5-mile hike. Steep climb, a long walk along a ridge, steep drop, a short walk along a babbling brook. Afterward we got lunch from a taco truck. Yummmmm.

Squats @CFD

Caffeine-free workouts are hard!
Did 4 front squats and then 8 back squats with the same weight. 95, 105, 115, 135.
A little work on OH squats at the end (just 45#), and a few chest-to-bar chin-ups.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sectionals WOD B & A @CFD

Did WOD B again, did slightly better: 4 rounds + 7 + 12 + 1

Did WOD A after ~45 min rest
In 6 minutes, run 800m and do as many OH squats as possible (75#)
I got only 6 squats and a bunch of missed reps. Tough, disappointing... expecting to feel at least a little stronger & better rested next Saturday!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sectionals WOD B

Max rounds plus reps in 10 minutes of:
7 Thrusters (75 lbs)
12 Kettlebell Swings (16 kg)
7 Pull-ups

4 rounds + 7 + 3

Thrusters & KBS felt relatively easy. Grip was tough on the pull-ups - partly because I was doing them on the big bar, and partly because they came right after the KBS.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

5 x 7 Bear complex @CFD

7 complexes per round, 5 rounds, 5' rest in between
45, 55, 65, 75, 85
(W00t! Last time I finished with a broken set of 75.)
Practiced my overhead squats afterward, in preparation for sectionals!

Norcal Sectionals workouts posted this morning:
Workout A

Against a 6-minute running clock:
Run 800m
Max rep overhead squats (115/75lbs)

Scored by total number of overhead squats.

Workout B
Max rounds plus reps in 10 minutes of:
7 Thrusters (115/75lbs)
12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35lbs)
7 Pull-ups

The OH squats will be tough but doable. Same for the pull-ups.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Double unders & thrusters @CFD

alternating double unders / thrusters (65#)

Time: 16:32 (Rx'd!)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cleans & jerks, row & sumos @CFD

Clean & jerk - worked up to a 5RM of 95#

Mini met con
150m row, 15 sumo high pull deadlifts (75#)
125m, 12
100m, 9
Time: 5:34
Rx'd was 80#, but I had a hard time even getting 75# to my chin. My form probably could have used some work... I had a hard time activating my hips.

C&J: 75# x 5
(Focusing on keeping my back tight and stabilized.)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Box jumps, pull-ups, push-ups @CFD

30 box jumps - 20"
4 pull-ups, 6 push-ups
30 box jumps - 20"
3 pull-ups, 17 push-ups
30 box jumps - 20"
2 pull-ups, 28 push-ups

Time: 10:15

(Rx'd was 10-20-30 chin-ups.)

Box jumps felt pretty good! I'm getting the hang of them and can string a bunch together without stopping.

Friday, March 12, 2010

"My Dead Chin" @CFD

Today's workout was supposed to be a bunch of front squats & GHD sit-ups, but since we just did those on Monday, we opted for the deadlift WOD from last Sunday that everyone's been groaning about ever since.

5 x [as many rounds in 3 minutes of: 7 Dead Lifts, 7 chin ups]
rest 3 min between rounds
I did 155# DLs (as rx'd) and kipping pull-ups

1: 2 rounds + 6 DLs
2: 2
3: 2 + 6 DLs
4: 1 + 7 DLs (<--tore a callus on my palm!)
5: 7 DLs, 5 kips, 7 DLs

Now I see why everyone was groaning about it. My hand is torn up, and my back is *tight*. Good stuff though!

Side note: I'm rendering lard right now, and my whole apartment smells like pork!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cleans & jerks and KB swings, and then some rowing @CFD

Part 1
On the minute every minute for a max of 20 minutes:
2 Power Clean and Push Jerk @ 70% 1RM Clean and Jerk = 80#
6 KBS @ 20kg (rx'd was 24kg)

Achieved all 20 rounds!
Focused on strong, tight back on the jerks - success!
Focused on a nice, neat overhead pause on the KBSs - partial success - that weight was tough to control!

Rest 15-ish minutes before starting part 2 (rx'd was 60... who's got time for that?)

Part 2
Row 350m
25 burpees
Row 350m
Time: 5:10

My quads are *tired*

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

4 rounds for time:

  • 40 14" box jumps
  • 30 wall balls - 14# to 10 ft
Time: 16:16

(Subbed box jumps for double-unders due to my bum toe. 40 reps instead of 60.)

Monday, March 08, 2010

Arboretum intervals

Rx'd run (part 2 from today's CFD WOD)
1 min @ 50%/1 min @ 90%
2 min @ 50%/2 min @ 90%
3 min @ 50%/3 min @ 90%
4 min @ 50%/4 min @ 90%
3 min @ 50%/3 min @ 90%
2 min @ 50%/2 min @ 90%
1 min @ 50%/1 min @ 90%

I cut some of the last sprints short and walked the 50% sections because of foot injuries: a big blister right underneath the ball of my right food, and a bloody stubbed left toe. Ow!

Jerks, squats, sit-ups @CFD

A. Split Jerk - 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 240 sec
95, 105, 105, 95, 105, 115

B. Front Squat - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 240 sec
135, 135, 145, 145, 145

C. GHD Sit Ups - 100 for time
~ 5 minutes??

Friday, March 05, 2010

Scaled "chipper" WOD @CFD

2 WODs were prescribed for today, but I only had time (and energy) for one.

Part 1 involved hang squat snatch & ring dips. I just worked on the HS snatches - worked up to 75 lbs.

I scaled part 2:
30 wall balls - 14# to 10 ft (not all of my throws were high enough)
80 double unders
20 KBS - 16kg (Rx'd was 24kg)
30 hanging knee raises (Rx'd was toes to bar. I still can't get knees to elbows!)
50 walking lunges
10 chin ups
20 burpees
Time: 15:45

... savage tournament tomorrow! (Unless it get rained out... fingers crossed.)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Back squats, split squats, GH raises @CFD

Part A: Back squats, 4' rests between sets
(I had good form! Yay)

Part B: 3 rounds of:
2 x 9 split squats (1 set right, 1 set left) with a pair of 20kg KBs, 90" rest
15 GH raises, 90" rest

My legs are *tired*!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Push & pull @CFD

This workout

Part A (2.5 minute rests)
Push jerks: 85x6, 100x5, 105x4, 105x4
Chin-ups: 4, 4, 4, 3

Part B (2 min)
Push presses: 85x6, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5
Chest-to-bar kips: 4, 4, 4, 5

Part C (1.5 min)
Presses: 55x5, 55x6, 60x4
Kips: 5, 5, 5 (broken sets)

This took a long time! And I have 7 callouses ready to fall off...

Monday, March 01, 2010

Power snatches, bench presses (& met con) @CFD

Power snatches - 2.2.2 x 3 (except I didn't do drop sets)

Bench presses, close grip - 4.4 x 5

Only 3 rounds of the met con (instead of 5)
25 box jumps (14")
200m row
2' rest after 1st round, 1' rest after 2nd round. (Time constraint!)