Team WOD
3 people on our team, 1 person must be resting throughout.
3 rounds:
1200m run
90 box jumps (20")
45 push-ups
200m sled push (90# + sled weight)
My personal fitness log. Advice, support, constructive criticism, motivation, and other feedback welcome!
3 people on our team, 1 person must be resting throughout.
K = 13
Labels: air squat, Burpees, Deck of cards, pull-up, push-up, sit-up
Back squats - wanted to do 200# across all 5 sets, but couldn't manage it. Lost focus? Psyched myself out? Just too heavy? Tired legs?
Labels: Back squat, Jerry
1 power clean the first minute (120# = 80% bodyweight = Rx'd for women)
Labels: Clean
Back squat, 5 x 2: 195# across all 5 sets!
Labels: Back squat, Row, running, sw, tabata
Snatch balance - worked up to 85# x 2. Probably could have gone up to 90# - felt good!
Labels: push press, thrusters, Toes-to-bar
Front squats: 155# x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Labels: deadlift, front squat, pull-up, thrusters
Skipped the strength/skill portion to deal with Clark. :-)
Strict press:
Labels: Box jumps, deadlift, Handstand push-up, Press, running
4 strict pull-ups
Jerks - heavy singles
12 minute AMRAP
Labels: AMRAP, Burpees, deadlift, Toes-to-bar
Power clean + clean 95, 95, 115, 115, 125, 125, 135, 140 Met con: 3 rounds 15 DB thrusters (25#), 100m run 10 thrusters, 100m 5 thrusteres, 100m 1 minute rest between rounds Time: 10:17
On the minute for 10 minutes: 3 push-presses (from the ground)
Labels: double-unders, push press